The ACLT is a charity that helps to save lives through bone marrow, blood and organ donation. They also provide support for patients and their families. The ACLT are proactive within the community in registering potential donors, and have done so for well over twenty five years.
I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with the ACLT on projects from documenting their charity runs, registration drives, and more recently creating a campaign entitled, "What's your story" which you can learn more about further down this page.

"What's your story?" is a collaborative project which features a series of portratis. The aim was to highlight the contribution of the wider "ACLT Family" which often goes unseen. People from all walks of life get involved with the ACLT charity, each with their own unique reasons. The project was serves as a call to action for others to get involved and support the charity, and to challenge misconceptions of the public, which can act as a barrier for the amazing work that the ACLT do. To learn more about methodology that was used, and see more of the final campaign click on the images below.